Breeder Interview / Kanno Koi Farm (Yamakoshi Mushigame, Niigata prefecture)

He is looking for a glossy red, the top Goshiki breeder, and is also considering the 2nd and 3rd varieties. (Part 1)

Due to the remarkable quality improvement among Goshiki, many consider Kanno Koi Farm to be the leading breeder. The performance at the All Japan Combined Nishikigoi Show deserves excellent recognition. Unlike the traditional Kohaku, the unique fluorescent red with blueish black, the underlying mesh pattern and even those with metallic sheen. Goshiki fans are attracted by all their aspects. Kazuhiro Hirasawa passionately discusses red, black, and glossy beni to surpass numerous competitors. I also asked about his approach to creating varieties following the main Goshiki.

His main variety, Goshiki, covers 70% of the production area,

with awards in Kikusui and Kikokuryu at the Koi Show.

— Is the first spawning process concluded, and can you have a bit of rest a (20th June )?

Hirasawa: Before starting the second round, I do minor tasks such as feeding and applying herbicides.

— Is everything going well?

Hirasawa: It’s going okay. I struggled at first because the pH was a bit high.

— What was the cause of that?

Hirasawa: After spreading lime in the pond, the spring weather wasn’t very good, so the lime didn’t dissolve easily. I thought it was a problem, but I’ve managed to deal with it now.

— Is there any trouble every year?

Hirasawa: Yes, that’s right. A big problem is the weather. And sometimes, there are outbreaks of water fleas. 

— Is it bad to have too many of them?

Hirasawa: If there are too many, it leads to oxygen depletion, so it isn’t easy to manage.

— So, this year’s All Japan Combined Nishikigoi Show and All Japan Young Koi Show saw great success with Kanno’s Goshiki. At the All Japan show, he received two Kokugyo Awards (Photo 1, 2) and at the Young Koi Show, being a candidate for the overall B award with the Sakura Grand Award (Photo 3) as well as winning awards for overall young Koi (1), Kokugyo Awards (4) ,two Sakura Awards (5, 6) and TanchoGoshiki with Tsubaki Award (7), Goshiki category (8), so, he won seven top placement Awards. It was a significant promotion.

Hirasawa: Thanks for everyone’s support, including Narita Koi Farms Japan and dealers.

— Is there Koi of winning an award-winning koi that you particularly like?

Hirasawa: I like the Koi that won the Sakura Grand Award at the Young Koi Show. I’ve asked Donald to eventually return it as a parent, which is a beautiful Goshiki with excellent beni. 

— The showdown vote between Goshiki was spectacular to watch.

Hirasawa: Sakura Award 58bu has very good for beni to stand out boldly. If it doesn’t grow over 63bu, I am looking forward to the Young Koi Show next year.

(1) 53rd All Japan Nishikigoi Show (2023)
45bu Kokugyo Award
39th All Japan Young Koi Show (2023)
Yong champion
(2) 53rd All Japan Nishikigoi Show (2023)
40bu Kokugyo Award