Breeders Interview /
 Sakamaki Koi Farm, Kimikazu Sakamaki

Experience across generations enhances collaboration. Shaping the next generation, alongside our rivals. (Part 2)

Sakamaki Koi Farm has a 55-year history as the sole Koi breeder in the Tanesuhara area of Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, an area known for its heavy snowfall. The area is surrounded by mountains rich in nature, and the quality of the environment is such that numerous dealers and hobbyists, mainly from the Kanto region, come to rent their mud ponds.

When we previously interviewed Kimikazu in 2015, he had just left Dainichi Koi Farm after working there for five years and had just taken over the family business. Nine years have passed since then, and his experience has led to many achievements, starting with his hometown of Nagaoka and in prefectural and national koi shows. Amidst the rise of many younger competitors, he shows remarkable success.

Koi production based on experience in Dainichi.

Making Kin Showa the second mainstay variety after Showa.

ー You worked for Dainichi for about five years. How did you come to work there?

Sakamaki: We started koi farming with my father’s generation, but I didn’t fond of koi. So, after graduating from school, I took a different job. After I quit that job, I spent some time helping at home, and during that period, Sawada (Koi Sawada) told me he would introduce me to Dainichi, but at first, I didn’t want to work there at all (laughs). However, after starting work at Dainichi, I grew to love koi and found it fascinating. I ended up training there for about five years.