Breeders Interview Tamaura Koi Farm, Koji Tamaura (Hiroshima)

Tamaura sanshoku with Effective sumi.

The journey of 42 years has been “steadily and diligently…” (Part 2)

This year marks the 55th anniversary of the establishment of the Tamaura KOi Farm in Mihara City, Hiroshima Prefecture. Known for its signature “Tamaura Sanshoku” and other varieties such as Kohaku and Showa, the farm consistently ranks among the top in national competitions. Behind these remarkable achievements in recent years lie numerous challenges. However, Mr. Tamaura has expressed that no matter how difficult things get, he always has the support of his companions.

In this feature, we will introduce the captivating koi bred by Mr. Koji Tamaura. We are also joined by his long-time supporters, Mrs. Hidemi and Mr. Yugi Kuninori, as we look back on the journey they have shared.

Aiming for a bright crimson, improved body shape with kohaku,

and the charming sanshoku of Tamaura.

ー At the time, it was reported that the Taisho-Sanshoku originated from the Matsunosuke and Sakai lines, and later incorporated the Sadazo line from Dainichi.

Tamaura: This one (Picture④) has been performing very well since the beginning, so it was used as a parent koi for about 30 years. Although it once declined, it later recovered. During this period, the male koi was also changed, but it was used for a long time with this male koi (Picture⑤).

ー It’s quite rare for a parent koi to be used for 30 years, isn’t it?

Tamaura: That koi was special. Generally, the trends in koi also change, so it’s usually around 10 to 15 years at most.

ー It seems it was quite active then.

Tamaura: Yes, and so were its offspring.

ー The sanshoku that won the overall second place at the 30th Hiroshima Agricultural Festival (1993) (Picture⑥), was it a combination of ④ and ⑤?

Tamaura: In the first and second years, this female koi (Picture④) was paired with a different male koi, but in the third year, when this male koi (Picture⑤) was used, the situation completely changed. By the intermediate quality fish stage, it had also become very good. Even as a two-year-old intermediate quality fish, it kept getting better, a very vibrant koi.